quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012

Na Garage 5

Programa exibido no dia 28 de Maio as 22h na rádio rock http://www.b1fm.com/ .

Abaixo vai o link para baixar as músicas que rolaram:


Apreciem sem moderação!

lembrete: o programa Na Garagem vai ao ar todas as segundas as 22h.

bloco a
purecensse - near distance
circa survive - greatest lie
sounds of animals fighting - i the swan
blind melon - 2x4
the cure - cut

bloco b
stone temple pilots - big bang baby
the ukranians - anarchy in the uk
the black ghosts - until it comes
meat puppets - sam
black river - negative
queens of stone age - feel good hit of the summer
mudhoney - on the move

bloco c
los gatos locos - hunting humans (misfits)
peter pan speed rock - attitude (misfits)
v8 wankers - detroid steel
bad lucky bandits - lets ride
nashville pussy - high as hell
texas hippie coallition - pissed of and mad about it
pro pain - refuse resist (sepultura)

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